StartImmoviewer User Manual - DEDruckversion

Immoviewer User Manual - DE

1. Setting and Connecting to the Camera

1.1. Madventure 360/ XiaoMi Jia 360

  1. Insert Micro SD Card into camera.
  • Micro SD Card slot should be located at the side of the camera.      

      2. Switch on the camera by clicking on the Power/Mode button.  

    3. Ensure that the Camera's Wi-Fi is switched on.

  • The Wi-Fi on the camera can be switched on by clicking on the "Wi-Fi" button. See Above.
  • A Wi-Fi indicator will start flashing or blinking to indicate that it is switched on.
  • Note that the Wi-Fi indicator blinks only when the camera is not connected to any device. It switches to a solid light when paired with a device.

    4. On your mobile device, go to your Wi-Fi settings and connect to the camera.

  • Locate and connect to the Wi-Fi hotspot.
  • The Madventure 360 Wi-Fi hotspot usually has the label QJXJ followed by a six-digit numeric code.
  • Key in the default password: 12345678

     5. Mount the camera on the tripod.

1.2. Ricoh Theta 360

Switch on the camera by clicking on the Power/Mode button.


Ensure that the Camera's Wi-Fi is switched on.

  • The Wi-Fi on the camera can be switched on by clicking on the "Wi-Fi" button. See Above.
  • A Wi-Fi indicator will start flashing or blinking to indicate that it is switched on.
  • Note that the Wi-Fi indicator blinks only when the camera is not connected to any device. It switches to a solid light when paired with a device.

On your mobile device, go to your Wi-Fi settings and connect to the camera.

  • Locate and connect to the Theta Wi-Fi hotspot.
  • Click on the network and key in the password. The password is either the one on the bottom of the camera or the 8 digit number on the network name.

Mount the camera on the tripod.

2. Zugang zu Immoviewer

2.1. Mobile Apps

  1. Laden Sie die immoviewer-App herunter und installieren Sie sie auf Ihrem Gerät.
  • Besuchen Sie den Play Store um die App für Android Nutzer herunterzuladen.
  • Besuchen Sie den App Store um die App für iOS Nutzer herunterzuladen.                                           

      2. Melden Sie sich in der immoviewer-App an.

  • Für die Anmeldung sind ein Benutzername und ein Passwort oder eine Registrierung erforderlich. Wenden Sie sich an, um Hilfe zu erhalten, wenn Sie Ihre Zugangsdaten vergessen haben.
  • Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie mit dm Internet verbunden sind, wenn Sie sich bei der immoviewer-App anmelden.

2.2. Zugang zum Webportal

  • Öffnen Sie einen Internetbrowser.

  • Rufen Sie das immoviewer-Portal auf indem Sie Folgendes in die Adressleiste des Browsers eingeben:

Hinweis: Sie können auch besuchen und sich über die Website anmelden.

  • Melden Sie sich mit Ihrem Benutzernamen und Passwort an.

  • Die Startseite

2.3. Zugangsdaten ändern

Zur Anmeldung in der App und dem Webportal sind der Benutzername und das Benutzerkennwort erforderlich.

Den Benutzernamen ändern

  • Um den Benutzernamen zu ändern, wenden Sie sich an mit Ihrem aktuellen Benutzernamen und Ihrem neuen Benutzernamen
  • Beachten Sie, dass Benutzernamen aktive und funktionierende E-Mail-Adressen sein sollten.

Das Kennwort ändern

  • Klicken Sie Passwort vergessen.

  • Geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen ein.

  • Sie erhalten eine E-Mail zum Zurücksetzen des Passwortes an die genannte E-Mail-Adresse.
  • Klicken Sie auf den Link in der E-Mail. Es wird sich eine neue Registerkarte öffnen, in der Sie das neue Passwort eingeben können.
  • Vergeben Sie ein neues Passwort. Wiederholen Sie es, um es zu bestätigen.

  • Klicken Sie auf Passwort zurücksetzen.

  • Nun können Sie sich mit Ihrem Benutzernamen und dem neuen Passwort anmelden.

Hinweis: Nach dem Ändern Ihres Benutzernamens oder Ihres Passworts müssen Sie sich auf allen Geräten neu anmelden um eine weitere Tour aufzunehmen.

3. Rundgang erstellen

3.1. Rundgänge in der mobilen App erstellen

Loggen Sie sich in der immoviewer-App ein.

Verbinden Sie das Gerät mit der Kamera

Drücken Sie "Neu", um eine neue Tour zu erstellen.


Geben Sie den Namen und die Adresse des Rundgangs ein.


Wählen Sie zwischen drinnen und draußen.


Wählen Sie das Stockwerk und den Raum aus.


Wählen Sie Bildquelle entsprechend dem verwendeten Kameratyp aus.   

Positionieren Sie die Kamera möglichst mittig im Raum. Klicken Sie auf das Symbol und fotografieren Sie den Raum.    

Wenn Sie zufrieden mit der Aufnahme sind, speichern sie es.
Wählen Sie Wiederholen wenn Sie das Bild neu aufnehmen möchten.

Tippen Sie an einer beliebigen Stelle im Panorama, um einen Hotspot hinzuzufügen.   
Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie einen Hotspot an der Stelle einfügen, an der sich das nächste Bild befindet.

Klicken Sie anschließend auf Setze Hotspot.

Sie können nun wählen, wohin er führen soll: Hotspot zu neuem Raum oder Hotspot zu bestehendem Raum

Wenn Sie Hotspot zu neuem Raum auswählen, gelangen Sie zurück zum Bildschirm zur Raumübersicht. Denken Sie daran, die Kamera nach dem Eingeben der Informationen neu zu positionieren.

Wenn Sie Hotspot zu bestehendem Raum auswählen, können Sie den Hotspot mit einem bereits aufgenommenen Bild verbinden.

Wählen Sie Rundgang abschließen wenn Sie die Erstellung der Tour abgeschlossen haben.

Laden Sie die Tour hoch indem Sie auf die Schaltfläche Tour-Optionen klicken.

Klicken Sie auf Rundgang hochladen um die Tour in die Cloud hochzuladen.

- Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie mit dem Internet verbunden sind bevor Sie die Tour hochladen. Im besten Fall nutzen Sie ein stabiles WLAN.
- Sie können die Kamera ausschalten, bevor Sie die Tour hochladen.
- Sie können die App auch schließen und die Tour zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt hochladen, wenn Sie zu Hause oder im Büro mit einem stabilen WLAN sind.
- Wir empfehlen, dass beim Hochladen der Tour keine Unterbrechungen auftreten. Dies kann einige der Bilder in der Tour beschädigen.

3.2. Virtuelle Rundgänge über das Immoviewer-Portal erstellen

Diese Erstellungsmethode virtueller Rundgänge ist nur möglich, wenn die Panorama-Fotos auf dem Desktop vorliegen. Sie wird dann genutzt, wenn die Fotos mithilfe einer 360°-Kamera-App anstatt der Immoviewer-App aufgenommen worden sind.

  • Loggen Sie sich im Portal ein und klicken Sie im Menü links auf TOUR ERSTELLEN.

  • Tragen Sie zunächst den Namen des Rundgangs und einen Ansprechpartner ein. Kreuzen Sie dann an, ob Ihr Rundgang zugangsbeschränkt sein soll oder nicht. Wählen Sie eine Etage aus und fügen für alle dortigen Räume Bilder hinzu. Sie können auch die Bezeichnung einer Etage ändern, sowie das Startbild für Ihre Tour festlegen.
  • Über Weiter gelangen Sie zum Editor.                          
  • Wenn Sie die Tour fertig bearbeitet haben, klicken Sie auf Bearbeitung abschließen.                           
  • Nun ist ihre Tour fertig!                                     

Hinweis: Um die Funktionen des Editors zu nutzen, schauen Sie auch in unser Tutorial.

3.3. Bilderfassung mit dem MegaMast

  1. Einrichtung des MegaMast

    1. Für den MegaMast bietet sich dasselbe Selfie Stick Setup an, das wir für regulären Stativ-Gebrauch empfehlen. So kann die Kamera mit einer bestmöglichen Reichweite auf dem Stativaufsatz positioniert werden. 

    2. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass die Kamera fest auf dem Selfie Stick sitzt und dieser sicher im MegaMast-Stativ befestigt ist. Sie wollen Ihre Kamera schließlich nicht aus 9 Meter Höhe fallen sehen.
    3. Verbinden Sie sich mit dem WLAN der Kamera, bevor Sie das Stativ ausfahren, um eine stabile Datenübertragung zu gewährleisten.

  2. Fotos aufnehmen

    1. Obgleich der MegaMast sehr robust ist, wird der Mast des Stativs sich etwas bewegen, auch mit einer leichten Kamera wie der MadVenture 360.

    2. Warten Sie einen Moment, bis der Mast aufhört, sich zu bewegen, bevor Sie die Bilder aufnehmen.
    3. Wenn Sie sich neben dem aufgerichteten Stativ direkt unter der Kamera positionieren, werden Sie in den Bildern  kaum zu sehen sein.  

  3. Platzierung des MegaMast

    1. Wir raten dazu, den Mast wieder herunterzufahren, bevor Sie das Stativ umpositionieren. Der MegaMast lässt sich leicht hoch- und wieder herabbewegen.
    2. Der Mast fährt schnell herunter, wenn Sie die Halterung schnell lösen. Achten Sie deshalb auf Ihren Griff und Ihre Finger.  

3.4. Schneller Einstiegs-Guide für die Madventure 360

In diesem Video zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie mit der Madventure-Kamera sowie der immoviewer-App Rundgänge erstellen:

4. Das User-Menü

4.1. Menü-Übersicht

Über die linke Menüleiste haben Sie auf folgende Rubriken Zugriff:

  • Meine Rundgänge
  • Tour erstellen
  • Interessenten
  • Statistik
  • Kontaktinformation
  • Konfiguration

Oben im Portal finden Sie zudem die Menüpunkte:

  • Veröffentlichen
  • Admin
  • Spracheinstellung
  • Logout

4.2. Meine Rundgänge


A. Die Suchleiste

  • Hier können Sie nach Touren in Ihrer Liste suchen, indem Sie Schlüsselwörter, die Scout-ID, interne ID oder den Titel einer Tour eingeben.

B. Liste virtueller Rundgänge

  • Erstellte Touren werden hier mit ihren Bearbeitungs- und Marketingfunktionen angezeigt.
  • Siehe auch Kapitel 5: Tour-Menü

C. Auswahl der Auflistungsdarstellung

  • Wie sollen Ihre Rundgänge aufgelistet werden?
  • Sie können zwischen einer Listen oder einer Grid-Ansicht wählen.

D. Weitere laden

  • So kommen Sie zu weiteren Touren in Ihrer Liste.

4.3. Rundgang erstellen

  • In diesem Menüpunkt können Nutzer über das immoviewer-Portal virtuelle Rundgänge erstellen.
  • Siehe auch Kapitel 3.2: Virtuelle Rundgänge über das Immoviewer-Portal erstellen

4.4. Tour visitors

  • This option displays a list of information of users who have viewed your tours.
  • This is where viewer data is stored once viewers key in their information when viewing a 3D tour.

4.5. Statistics

  • This option displays graphs of statistics of total users who have viewed your tours and the origin of requests in separate tabs.

  • The Statistics for all visits tab is more of an overview statistics for ALL tours divided into 2 categories: number of non-registered and registered visitors.

  • The Origin of requests tab shows a pie graph of where viewers came from with the corresponding percentage on the left.

4.6. Contact Information


  • This option allows users to add Contact Information that displays on the tours.
  • Clicking on this option displays two additional sub-options:
    • Contact Options - Displays the list of Contact Profiles created
    • Add Contact Option - Enables users to add additional Contact Options

4.7. Configuration

The configuration option allows users to configure settings for the tour and their accounts.

The Accounts option allows users to update their preferred settings with regards to uploads, fetching. You can also choose to keep your preferred settings active or inactive. For now, you can disregard these settings.

The Settings option allow users to configure the following:

  • Logos & Styles
  • Player design
  • Legal Information
  • Floorplan Order

Logos & Styles

In the Logos & Styles tab, you can configure the settings for the following:

A. Apply design to → You can specify if you want the configuration to apply to either all or particular agents.

B. Upload logo → You can upload your company or personal logo here.

C. Upload hotspot → You can upload your hotspot here. 

D. Upload tripod cover → You can upload any image as your tripod cover. We recommend you use a marketing or branding image to serve as a secondary purpose.

E. Choose theme color → You can select from a multitude of options as the theme color.

Player design 

In the Player design tab, you can specify if you want the configuration to apply to either all or particular agents. You can also toggle if you want the following functionalities and buttons visible on your tour:

  • Logo
  • Welcome window
  • Auto rotate
  • Property info icon
  • Property location icon
  • Agents contact icon
  • Share 3D tour icon
  • Use 3D player by default

Legal Information


In the Legal information tab, you can choose which of the following fields to display and which of the chosen should be mandatory:

  • Gender
  • Url
  • Phone
  • Mobile phone
  • Zip code
  • City
  • Street
  • Company name

You can also upload a PDF copy of your terms & conditions and revocation. The Terms and Conditions checkbox is for displaying the uploaded PDF or not.

You can also add/change the Company name and Company URL in this section. 

Floorplan Order

In the Floorplan Order tab, you can toggle the settings on whether you want to notify either of the following when your floorplan order is ready:

  • Primary user email
  • Custom email (Up to 3 emails)
  • Responsible agent (registered in your immoviewer account)

4.8. 3D Tour

Clicking on this option navigates the user back to the default Portal Homepage. Another alternative to this is by clicking the Immoviewer Logo or by clicking on My Tours. See: My Tours from Related Pages

4.9. Admin

Clicking on this option requires you to re-login with your email and password credentials:

After successfully logging in, you will see the Admin Immoviewer Portal User Interface. See more: Admin Functions from Related Pages

4.10. Language

Clicking on this option allows you to change the language for the site. The following are the available languages:

You will be prompted that the site will reload and that any unsaved changes will be discarded. Click on Yes to proceed. The site will then automatically reload with your chosen language.

4.11. Logout button

Click on the Log Out Button on the upper right corner of the home screen to log out of the Immoviewer Portal.

Logging out of the Portal prompts a confirmation pop-up, then routes you back to the login screen.

4.12. Toggle Option Panel Display

Clicking on this option, toggles the Option Panel to hide or show.



5. Tour option panel

5.1. Tour option panel overview

This panel consists of all the options and features needed to play, share, edit and market the tour.

  • Tour Thumbnail
  • Gear Button
  • Connection
  • Embed Code
  • Tour Statistics
  • Download
  • Links
  • Start Live
  • Share Access
  • Edit
  • Delete
  • Order 2D floor plan
  • 3D button
  • Tour Activation → If Yes, show the tour. Else, will not be accessible.

5.2. Tour Thumbnail

Clicking on the Tour Thumbnail opens the tour on a new tab on your browser.

5.3. Gear Button

Clicking on the Gear Button gives you two options:

  • Editing Basic Info (See Related Pages)
  • Copy Tour

Copy Tour

While copying a tour, you can edit the following:

  • Tour name
  • Office/Account → If you have an admin account, you can copy to your child/sub-accounts. Else, you can copy to your own account.
  • Responsible agent → Agent responsible for the tour
  • Toggle for keeping tour data → If Yes, existing tour statistics for the chosen tour will also be copied. Else, the copied tour will have brand new empty tour statistics.

5.4. Connection

  • This option enables users to key in the external ID of their listings connecting the listing information to the tour.
  • Once the listing ID is keyed in, click on Save Changes to apply.

5.5. Embed Code

Automatically generates an embed code for users to embed the tours onto their website.

Embed code is activated (clickable) only if tour has been published.

There are two ways to embed your tours.

  1. Open in a pop-up window - Embeds the tour as a clickable thumbnail which opens the tour in a new tab.
  2. In Embedded Site - Embeds the tour as an interactive 3D Tour onto the website.

Embedding Tours:

  • Select the type of embed method by clicking on the respective tab then click on Copy to Clipboard.
  • Paste the code onto the backend of your web page and save.

See: Embed Samples

5.6. Tour Statistics

This option presents the tour performance statistics.

For the Statistics for registered users tab, you will be able to see the following:

For the Statistics for non-registered users tab, you will be able to see the following:

Under the Origin of requests (portal) tab, you will be able to see a pie graph of the origin of your tour visitors.

5.7. Download

The Download option allows users to download useful items related to the tour.

To Download, click on the Download option on the tour option panel as shown below:

A drop-down list would appear with a list of downloadable items:

  • PDF → a PDF including a private link.

  • Free access PDF → a PDF including a public link.

  • Marketing image

  • QR Code → Comes in small, medium and large variants.
  • 1st image banner → Downloads a banner using the first/starting image of the tour. 

  • Images → Downloads a zip file of all the images used in the tour.
  • Cubic images → Downloads square cut-out screenshots for each room or area in the tour.
  • POI images → Downloads all images from infopoints.
  • Floor plans → Downloads image for their floor plans.

5.8. Links

Links are activated only if the tour has been published.

  • Private Links - Generates tour links that require viewers to key in information when accessing a privatized image. The viewer can either be granted access automatically or manually by the user. When the viewer is granted access, they are sent a public link. Privatizing an image on the tour is set on the editor. See Editing Basic Information from Related Pages

Note: Private links do not appear to work when the link is accessed on the same browser you are logged in to.

  • Public Links - Generates tour links that grant viewers full access to the tour.

  • Non-Branded Links - Generates tour links that grant viewers full access to the tour without user branding. Mainly used for the MLS.

  • Links with Customized Starting Room - Generates tour links that allow users to preset the starting room to any room in the tour. All that needs to be done is to select a room to start the tour from, copy the link then paste it on any communication medium intended to use.

5.9. Start Live

This option enables users to showcase tours in a real-time virtual showing environment. It is here where the user and the viewer may interact and communicate while walking through the tour together.

The user can invite visitors to this real-time environment to show and discuss the property online by copying and sending their viewers the link and a session code or by clicking on the invite button.

Hide and exit buttons:

5.10. Share Access

This option is another way for users to share tours.

You can choose from the dropdown below:

  • E-Mail → For this option, you will be asked to input the following fields:
  • For Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter, you will be asked to choose where you want unlimited or limited mode:
  • Facebook:
  • Google Plus:
  • Twitter:

5.11. Edit

This option enables users to edit and modify their tours.

Users with role Viewer don't have this function
See Editing Tours from Related Pages

5.12. Delete

This option allows users to delete a tour.

Once the tour is deleted, the tour becomes unrecoverable.

When deleting a tour on the immoviewer Portal, the tour is also deleted on the Mobile App.


  • This function is normally deactivated and may or may not be available for some users.
  • This function, however, will be deactivated for all newly created users created through the Share Access - Invite a user option.

5.13. Order 2D floor plan

This option enables users to order 2D Floorplans.

See: Floorplan Creation from Related Pages  

5.14. 3D

This button is another method of viewing the tour.
Clicking this button opens the tour in a new tab.

See: The Tour Player from Related Pages

5.15. Tour Activation

This option toggles the certain options availability. This also turns the tour public making it viewable for others to see.

Only when tour is activated, Links and Embed Code are enabled.

6. Admin Functions

6.1. Admin Functions Overview

Admin Function Features:

  • Adding User Accounts
  • Managing User Accounts

6.2. Adding User Accounts

For adding user accounts in immoviewer, there is a simplified UI that both parent users, as well as immoviewer admin staff, can use to create users within a hierarchy or as normal customers.

It can be found in the admin area under Add user account in the main navigation on the left side.

The creation dialog is very straightforward:

A. Identity → This is the user's identification

B. Email

C. Password → can be chosen here, otherwise will be created automatically

D. Country → User's country of origin

E. Contacts

  • Are preferred for email interactions (otherwise failing back to user email)
  • Contacts defined on user creation will be automatically transformed in agents which otherwise the customer will have to setup manually later on
  • therefore, it is recommended to always set at least one contact upon creation

F. Agent tours in live → Check if you want the tour to be available live for all agents

G. Submit → Once all fields are correctly filled up, click on this button to finish

6.3. Managing User Accounts

As Admin

For editing a user account as admin you can click the icon in the user list view under The editor allows changing pretty much all the details of a user.

As Parent User

Parent users find a similar icon in the list of their users. This icon, however, leads to the same configuration dialog that is described in the Related Page Adding User Accounts
This simplified configuration editor allows to easily change roles of the user which is the preferred way of dealing with rights in immoviewer. 

7. Editing tours on mobile

7.1. Editing tours on desktop overview

Tours are mainly edited on the desktop. 

On the immoviewer dashboard, click on the Edit button on the tour's option panel to make changes to the tour.

The Editor:

Note: Only the tour name and assigned contact information would have to be edited outside the editor. See: Editing Basic Info from Related Pages

Click on EXIT on the top right to exit the EDITOR.

7.2. Editing tours on mobile

Editing Tours on Mobile are fairly limited in terms of functionality.

The immoviewer app only allows users to make minor configurations to the image or the tour itself.

By clicking on ... beside the tour you want to edit, you can see the following options:

You can add a room, change the name, or edit existing rooms.

Adding a room is similar to creating tours on mobile. (See Related Pages)

To modify existing rooms, click on Show Rooms. You'll see this screen:

Click on the ... on the right side of the room you want to particularly edit. You'll be able to Add Hotspot, Replace Panorama, Change Information, or Delete Room.

7.3. Editing basic info

To access this pop-up, see Gear Button from Related Pages.

In this pop-up, you can edit the following:

  • Tour name
  • Responsible agent
  • Toggle Use 3D Player → if this is Yes, your tour will play on a 3D player. Else, it will play on a regular player.
  • Toggle for restricted tour → If this is Yes, this tour will be restricted to only those who are given access. Learn more on how to grant access to restricted tours from Related Pages.

7.4. Add room

The Add room function is a function under the Editor that enables users to add additional photos or images into the tour. 

Use Cases:

  • New images were taken using the 360 camera app and uploaded to the desktop.
  • Images had to be downloaded and edited (photo manipulated).

Note: Function is not limited to use cases above.

To add a new room, click on the button below:

Then, do the following:

A. Upload the image to be used for the new room

B. Set the room name.

C. Choose from the dropbox where the room is located (ie. Outside, First floor, Second floor)

D. Choose whether or not to restrict access for this room

E. Choose whether or not the room should be the first room viewers see when starting the tour

F. Send all the information to save

7.5. Edit basics

The Edit basics function is a function under the Editor that enables users to replace photos or images into the tour, edit position name and reassign position to a different floor. 

Use Cases:

  • New images were taken using the 360 camera app and uploaded to the desktop.
  • Images had to be downloaded and edited (photo manipulated).
  • Edit position name.
  • Reassign room to a different floor.
  • Setting room as the first image of the tour.

Note: Function is not limited to use cases above.

To start editing, click on the button below:

Then, modify the specific areas using the following guide:

A. Upload the image you want to replace the current photo with

B. Change the room name

C. Choose from the dropbox to change where the room is located (ie. Outside, First floor, Second floor)

D. Choose whether or not to restrict access for this room

E. Choose whether or not the room should be the first room viewers see when starting the tour

F. Send all the information to update

7.6. Blur Area

The Blur Area function is used to blur out portions of the image the user does not want viewers to see.

Use Case:

  • Personal Files or Data on image
  • Photographs or Picture Frames
  • Camera reflecting on mirrors
  • People on images.

Note: Function is not limited to use cases above.

To apply the blur area, click on the button below:

Apply or reposition the Blur Area Box on the desired area. Hold click on the resize button and drag to adjust the Blur Area Box size. 

Click on the save button once done.

7.7. Limit View

The Limit View function allows users to crop a portion of the image to limit the viewing perspective of viewers.

Use Case:

  • When the intention is to omit a portion of the image or crop the viewing perspective of the photo.

To set the limited view, click on the button below:

Crop the image by dragging the crop box.

Click on Update to save or Reset to revert changes.

7.8. Viewing angle

The Viewing Angle function is mainly used to set the viewing perspective focus of an image when the image is uniquely accessed. 

Images are uniquely accessed through the following:

1. Photo Picker

2. Floorplan Hotspots

To modify the viewing angle, click on the button below:

You will be prompted with the following pop-ups.

Follow the procedures above as desired on your room.

Click on the Save button to save or Delete button to remove the set viewing angle.

7.9. Add Info point

Infopoints are information tags users can set on any given image to add emphasis or details on a portion of the room or image.

Use Cases:

  • Showcase additional promotional videos.
  • Adding still photographs and detailed images to augment viewer experience.
  • Adding PDF documents.
  • Adding Text details and information.

Note: Function is not limited to the use cases above.

To add an info point, click on the button below:

Click on the area where you want to add the info point:

Add the following information:

A. Add the info point name or title

B. Add the details regarding this info point

C. You can upload a video or an image from your computer

D. You can add a YouTube or Vimeo link regarding the info point

E. Click on Add to finish editing your info point

7.10. Add Hotspot

Hotspots are navigational pointers or bubbles that allows viewers to traverse from one image to another. It is ideal that they are appropriately placed based on the location of where each room or area is located on the current image.

To add a hotspot, click on the button below:

Click on the area where you want to add the hotspot:

Select which room the hotspot traverses to:

7.11. Changing Infopoint Room

Infopoints can now be transferred from one room to another.

Here are the steps on how to do so:

  1. Click on an infopoint you wish to transfer.
  2. Click on "Change room of infopoint".
  3. Choose a new room where you wish to transfer the current infopoint.

3.  The player will then open the selected room. The infopoint tab on the infopoint selection panel will then show a green mark  beside it. It means, that this infopoint is linked to the current room it was originally placed in, but doesn't have certain position (no coordinates) or is currently unassigned to any room.

4. Find a good position to place the infopoint and then drag and drop the green marker  from the infopoint selection panel to the preferred position. You should see a success message once completed.

7.12. Floorplans

The Floorplan feature in the editor allows users to add floorplans they already have.

Use Case:

  • Used when adding floorplans you already have

Adding Floorplans:

  • Click on the Floorplan Button on the lower left

  • Drag and drop the Floorplan JPG or PNG image onto the drop box panel

  • Press anywhere on the Floorplan image to add a Hotspot.

Note: Make sure to add the Hotspot to its corresponding location.

  • Once added select the Hotspot's corresponding room to set the Hotspot in place.

  • Toggle between floors by clicking on the Floor Tabs.

  • Click on the Top Right Arrow to exit.

Deleting Floorplans:

  • Click on the Floorplan Button on the lower left

  • Click on the Delete Button to delete the Floorplan.
  • Toggle between floors by clicking on the Floor Tabs if applicable and repeat step 2.

  • Click on the Top Right Arrow to exit.

Note: This feature is an alternative option from requesting floorplans through the Docusketch Portal and only works if you have a copy of the Floorplan on your desktop.

Downloading Floor Plans

  • On the tour option, click on Download.

  • Click on Floor plans.


8. Editing tours on desktop

8.1. Portal Introduction & Navigation

  • Upon logging in, you will be directed to the dashboard.

  • Click on the Video button to open the Video Landing Page Management Dashboard.

  • You are now at the Video Landing Page Management Dashboard.

8.2. Creating, Editing & Deleting Videos

Creating, editing and deleting the videos can only be done through editing the information and photos on the MLS feed.

To update or add additional photos on the videos, edit the information or photos on the MLS and click Re-create.

This will automatically generate the updated video and landing page for you with the updated information.


  1. The videos has a minimum requirement of 3 images.
  2. The quality of the videos are only as good as the quality of the images.
  3. Deleting the videos and the landing page only happens when the listing on the MLS/Source is deleted.
  4. Videos are also automatically recreated every back-end processing cycle.

8.3. Adding 3D Tour to the Landing Page

Click on the 3D Tour button to open the 3D Tour Landing Page Management Dashboard.

Click on Link to video button.

Link the tour to its respective video by clicking Link to video.


  1. A 3D tour would have to be created for the property.
  2. The 3D tour is not automatically connected to the video because the system has no way of identifying which video it has to be linked to.
  3. Videos would have a 3D button if a 3D tour is linked to it. (See next slide for more information.)

9. Immoviewer Video Product

9.1. Viewing the Video

Click on the video thumbnail of the video you want to play.

The video would normally play automatically upon clicking the thumbnail. In the unlikely even it doesn't, you may click on the Play button.

When you’re done viewing the video, click on the X button to exit.


  • The video will only be approximately 3 mins long. This is because the video acts as a teaser for your audience.
  • The order of images showed on the video is based out of the order of images set from the source. Therefore, order the set of images accordingly when listing the property. It is recommended to start with the best outdoor shots first followed by the best interior shots.

9.2. Embedding the Video

Click on the Embed Code button to generate an embed code.

Click the Copy to clipboard button and paste the code where you want to embed the video.

9.3. Posting on Craigslist


Click on the Craigslist button to generate the code.

Click the Code to clipboard button and paste the code on Craigs List to post.

9.4. Downloading the Flyer, Video, & Images

Click on the Download button.

Three options should appear.

A. Click on the PDF button to download the flyer.

Flyer Sample: 

B. Click on the Video button to download the video.

The video the downloads onto your download folder. See sample video here

C. Click on the Images button to download all the images from the landing page.

A zip file is then downloaded into your download folder containing all images used in the landing page. 

Sample Photos:

10. Immoviewer Video Product Landing Page

10.1. The Landing Page Overview

The Landing Page is a property website automatically generated by the immoviewer platform that extracts information from a source feed. It houses most of the media marketing materials necessary to communicate and enamor audiences with an experience and information of the property being sold.

SHARING LANDING PAGES: The landing page can be shared by simply opening the landing page and copying the landing page URL on the address bar.

10.2. Opening the 3D Tour on Landing Page

Click on the Video or 3D button.

A new tab will open with the 3D Tour on the landing page.


  • The 3D button only appears when a 3D tour is linked to a video landing page.
  • The first piece of media on a landing page will be the 3D tour if available.

10.3. Opening the Video on Landing Page

Click on the video button

This will navigate to the video media component on the landing page.

Note: The first piece of media that will appear on a landing page will always be a 3D tour if one is assigned to a video landing page. In this case, simply click on the Video icon on the landing page to shift to the video.
If there is no 3D tour attached to the landing page, the first piece of media would be the video.

10.4. Viewing Photos from Landing Page

Click on the camera icon.

All photos used for the video creation will display here.

10.5. More from the Landing Page

  • Property details can be seen on this section.

  • Clients can even download the page as PDF by clicking this button.

  • Agent information can be seen on this section.

  • Agent listings can be seen on this section.

  • Sharing options can be seen on this section.

A. Sharing option for Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn

B. Sharing option for emailing the page

C. Option to call the agent


1. Hardware and System Requirements


A. A 360 Camera

  • The main device used to capture 360 images.

A.1. Madventure 360 Camera


A.2. Ricoh Theta SC 360° video and still camera

A.3. Ricoh Theta S Digital Camera 

A.4. Ricoh Theta V 4k 360 Spherical Camera


B. Micro SD Card (For Madventure Users Only)  

  • Storage device needed by the camera to take photos.

C. Selfie Stick (For Madventure Users Only)

  • A device used to create distance between the tripod head and the camera to reduce the tripod's appearance on the images.

D. Tripod

  • A device used to mount the camera on.


On Mobile

  1. DocuSketch App should run on any iOS or Android Device so long as these conditions are met:
    1. must have the latest firmware updates installed.

    2. The latest version of the Docusketch mobile application should be installed.
    3. At least 1GB of memory space free for use

On Desktop

  1. The latest version of desktop browsers. Chrome and Firefox preferred.

       2. At least 2GB RAM.

       3. Internet Connection Required.

2. Account Types

As users with different roles have different functionality, there are some examples.

Basic Customer Account

User actions
Tour actions
  • My Tours
  • Create Tour
  • Tour Visitors
  • Statistics
  • Contact Information
  • Log Out
  • Toggle Option Panel Display
  • Tour Search Bar
  • Tour Toggle Display Bar

  • Tour Thumbnail
  • Gear Button
  • Connection
  • Embed Code
  • Statistics
  • Download
  • Links
  • Start Live
  • Share
  • Edit
  • Delete
  • Order 2D Floorplan
  • 3D
  • Tour Activation

Accounts with Video and Landing Page Features

- This account type adds an additional Dashboard option to the Basic Customer Account. Technically it would still have the same basic account access only with an additional tab to navigate to the Video Dashboard.

User actions
Video actions
  • 3D Tour
  • Video
  • My Videos
  • Archive
  • Configuration
  • Log Out
  • Toggle Option Panel Display
  • Video Search Bar
  • Video Toggle Display Bar
  • Video Thumbnail
  • Re-create
  • Embed Code
  • Craigslist
  • Download
  • Video
  • MLS

Accounts with Admin Access

- This account type adds an additional Dashboard option to the Basic Customer Account. The additional dashboard option is an Admin Dashboardthat provides the users rights to build additional accounts under their account. Mainly used for enterprise level customers.


Basic User Account types are the core of every other account types.

Video and Admin Access account types can be combined in some cases giving the user access to Basic user features, Video features and Admin features.

User actions
Admin actions
  • 3D Tour
  • Admin
  • List User Accounts
  • Add User Account
  • Statistics Data
  • Create Summary Statistics
  • Toggle Option Panel Display
  • Logout
  • Users Search Bar
  • Sort By
  • Deactivate
  • Edit
  • Settings
  • Permissions
  • List Agent
  • Add Agent
  • Statistics
  • Go To Customer
  • Page Tab

3. Improving Accuracy on Floorplans

To make an accurate floorplan, please, follow these steps:

  1. Starting your new floorplan look through all your rooms, use "360° View" window, you can open it in a separate tab of a browser.

  2. In a 360° View user can measure distances on the floor and ceiling.
    360° View has green highlighted areas, measurements are more accurate inside it.
    Also, it has vertical bars ("stitches"), they are vertical relative to the screen.
    It would be much better if all vertical lines on the image (walls/windows/doors) are parallel to stitches. To correct lines angle - image's pitch and roll values can be changed.

  3. Set up panels to fit your screen resolution and your personal preferences ("360° View" can be resized and repositioned). Choose units you wish to be displayed.

  4. Start with new walls and rooms ("Draw walls" instrument). All wall intersections contain corners. All walls and corners can be moved. In draw walls mode use shift or alt to alter wall to half of its thickness - it can be useful when drawing a contour of a room.

  5. Selecting a wall/door/window/room/object will show its properties.

  6. Divide a wall with a double-click when needed.

  7. Change wall thickness when needed.

  8. Add cameras to rooms and associate them with 360° images. Then rotating a 360° View will change a camera indicator on a plan.

  9. Add furniture and construction elements. Any missing box-like furniture items can be added with a "cube" instrument.

4. How to clear cache and cookies?


  1. In the browser bar, enter "chrome://settings/clearBrowserData"
  2. At the top of the "Clear browsing data" window, click Advanced.
  3. Select the following:
    • Browsing history
    • Download history
    • Cookies and other site data
    • Cached images and files

    From the "Time range" drop-down menu, you can choose the period of time for which you want to clear cached information. To clear your entire cache, select All time.

  4. Click CLEAR DATA.
  5. Exit/quit all browser windows and re-open the browser.


  1. From the History menu, select Clear Recent History.

    If the menu bar is hidden, press Alt to make it visible.

  2. From the Time range to clear: drop-down menu, select the desired range; to clear your entire cache, select Everything.
  3. Next to "Details", click the down arrow to choose which elements of the history to clear; to clear your entire cache, select all items.
  4. Click Clear Now.
  5. Exit/quit all browser windows and re-open the browser.

Microsoft Edge

  1. In the top right, click the Hub icon (looks like star with three horizontal lines).
  2. Click the History icon (looks like a clock), and then select Clear all history.
  3. Select Browsing history, then Cookies and saved website data, and then Cached data and files. Click Clear.
  4. After the "All Clear!" message appears, exit/quit all browser windows and re-open the browser.

Safari 8 and later

  1. From the Safari menu, select Clear History... or Clear History and Website Data...
  2. Select the desired time range, and then click Clear History.
  3. Go to Safari > Quit Safari or press Command-Q to exit the browser completely.

5. How to upload a 360 drone image to a tour?

Make sure you have your 360 drone image on your desktop.

Upload image to your tour.

Choose the "Aerial drone footage" floor.

Click on "Send".

6. How to Order 2D Floor Plans

Floorplans are a graphical top-down representation of a property's layout. They usually serve as a map for viewers to know which part of the property are they currently in when viewing a virtual tour.


The immovewer system provides users the ability to acquire these Floorplans through an Order 2D floor plan button on the immoviewer Portal. 

How to Order 2D Floorplans

  • Click on "Order 2D Floorplan" button.

  • Key in exact height of camera from ground to center lens. Note: Accuracy on the height of the camera affects the accuracy of the measurements in the floorplan.

Note: You may also use the recommended default value in the event that the actual height of the camera was not recorded.

  • Click on Order Now when done.

Reviewing Floorplans

This step happens when the user is notified via email informing them that the Floorplan for the tour is completed.

  • Click on Review to review floorplan.
  • Click on Needs Improvement if there are desired iterations.
  • Click on Approved if the floorplans are satisfactory.


  • Processing time for the Floorplans would be 24 hours.
  • All rooms should be present on the tour to create an accurate floorplan layout.
  • You will need a floorplan credit to order a 2D Floorplan.

Ordering Floorplan Credits

To order additional Floorplan Credits, the current remaining credits would have to be consumed first.

Once the Floorplan Credit counter hits 0, do the following:

  • Click on Order 2D Floorplan
  • Select Floorplan Package
  • Select Purchase

7. How to know how many visitors viewed my tour?

To know how many visitors viewed your tours:

From the Immoviewer Portal, click on the "STATISTICS" menu.

Here, you will be able to see the total non-registered and registered visitors of all your tours.

Refer to the Statistics page for more information.

To know the origin of your tour visitors:

Click on the "Origin of Requests (Portal)" tab.

Here, you will be able to see the origin of requests of all your tours.

Refer to the Statistics page for more information.

To know the statistics for a specific tour:

From the Immoviewer Portal, look for the tour you want to get the statistics of. Then, click on the "Statistics" button of the chosen tour.

Here, you will be able to see the list of registered and non-registered visitors and their origin specific to your chosen tour.

Refer to the Tour Statistics page for more information.

8. Which browsers does immoviewer work in?

Immoviewer works in the following browsers:

9. Where can I use the embed code?

You can use the embed codes to incorporate the tours on any website. They can be used on blog posts as well.

There are 2 ways to use the embed codes:

  • As a pop-up

  • As an embedded tour 

10. The Tour Player

The Tour Player is the platform where viewers access and view the tour.

In this module, we will break down the different parts of the Player interface.

Desktop View


  • To pan the image, simply click and hold on an area and drag the mouse over to which direction you would like to pan to.
  • To zoom in, simply use the mouse scroll button.

Mobile View


  • To pan the image, simply press and hold on an area and drag your finger over to which direction you would like to pan to.
  • To zoom in, press and hold two fingers on any area and drag both fingers apart to zoom in or closer to zoom out.

A. Floorplan Button

  • The Floorplan Button when clicked shows a floorplan of the tour with navigational hotspots.
  • The floorplans are a graphical representation of the property giving viewers a top-down perspective of how the property looks like.
  • The Hotspots on the floorplan allow viewers to jump from one room to another with ease.
  • To know how to request for Floorplans through the Portal, see: Floor Plan Creation from Related Pages
  • If you have a copy of a floorplan here is how to add a floorplan, see: Floorplan from Related Pages

B. Photo Picker

  • The Photo Picker when clicked displays all the images assigned to that particular floor.
  • Viewers may navigate through different floors to display a different set of images by clicking on the Pop-Up list just above the image list.

C. Info Points

  • Infopoints are Information Points that allows users to add additional details about a particular portion or area of the property.
  • On the top right of the interface is an Info Point List that searches, tracks and displays the number of Info Points in the tour as well as those visited or seen.
  • Clicking on an Info Point Title on the Info Point List would navigate the viewer to the image where the Info Point is located then display the Info Point's contents.
  • See Adding Info Points from Related Pages

D. Hotspots

  • Hotspots are navigational icons were viewers may click on to navigate to the direction the Hotspot is located in. This allows viewers to traverse from one room to another just as how someone would walk through a house.
  • See Adding Hotspots from Related Pages

E. Miscellaneous

  • The miscellaneous items on this portion of the player include a language selection option as well as a fullscreen view mode.
  • On Mobile, this includes a gyroscope and VR mode option.
  • Logo on the top left.
  • Personal Contact Information for the person to contact on the lower right.