StartDocuSketch Full Service User ManualEditing Tours on DesktopEditing Floors

11.3. Editing Floors

In this module, we will be touching on how to edit floor names and rearrange the order of floors in the editor.

A. Editing Floor Names

First is to select the photo picker as indicated below.

This should display all photos available on the floor area you are on.

Next is to click on the "Chalk" icon beside the floor name.

Note that you may select any floor you wish to rename by clicking on the arrow up button beside the floor name.

A pop up window should appear on your screen which should allow you to edit the floorname.

Click update when done.

B. Rearrange Floor Order

Here we are going to teach you how to rearrange the order of the floors in your tours. This helps present a more organized list of floors to your audiences.

First is to tap on the double arrow button as shown below:

A pop up window should appear on your screen with a drop down list of where would you want to position the floor.

Note that you may arrange the floors first then rename them after.

It is also important to note that a floor must have at least one photo in it in order for it to appear in the floor list.

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